Cleaning Out My Closet

After finding out where our where our First Duty Station will be, I slowly began to devise a plan to begin packing and getting ready for our big move. The time has finally come… time definitely flies when you’re having fun, right? I’ve been known to collect and keep everything, because it’s cute or I “think” I’ll use again, wear it when I lose weight or give it away at some point. Yeah, I am that kind of person (hangs head low). Well, I’m putting an end to that shit… because of new beginnings. I don’t want, nor do I need, to take extra stuff with me into our new home. The plan is to start fresh, so pardon me while I start cleaning out my closet. 

Yes, I know I’m a little late to the Spring cleaning party or even separating everything and keeping the things that truly spark joy. If I would have jumped on that wagon, everything I owned would have sparked joy at that particular moment. A part of me is glad I didn’t do it then, so doing it when I’m ready was perfect for me. I know, I know it’s a mental thing and I wouldn’t have been mentally prepared to do it. 

We also have a storage unit that has all of our belongings in it, but I had a room full of stuff that I’ve used, or should I say accumulated over the last nine months. 
When you do Spring cleaning or plan for a big move, how do devise your plan? Do you #Konmari that shit or just go to town and throw it all away? Alright, I’m gonna get to work, because I have a lot of stuff and I should have done this… yesterday!

Ps. I can imagine my wife sipping her coffee and shaking her head in disbelief as she’s reading this. She knows me best and doesn’t believe me, but I have to start somewhere and this is the perfect way to make that happen. 

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